Weber Park Survey results and next steps

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Morningside Neighborhood Association [MNA] survey on the City of Edina’s “30% Concept Design [for Weber Park]". Between September 8th - 14th, 2021, over 100 residents provided detailed thoughtful and imaginative responses.


Attached is a summary of survey responses that the MNA Steering Committee shared with the Edina City Council and City staff on September 15, 2021.  

 Weber Park Survey Results

Responses from over 100 residents show the following clear preferences:  

  • Weber Park needs some updating but not a complete overhaul.

  • The hockey rink stays in its original location.

  • The open ice area stays the same size.

  • Clear preference for keeping the baseball fields without outfield fences.

  • Strong support for adding a natural play area

The next few days may be the last opportunity for Morningside residents to share their thoughts about Weber Park design with City officials. If you would like to share your thoughts, please do so. Here are ways to contact the City:

Their contact information is on the Edina Better Together website, under the Morningside Flood Infrastructure project tab and on the City’s website at Contact City Council members directly. Contact information is on the City’s website.

Morningside Neighborhood Association Steering Committee